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Birnbach quartzite

Material name: Quartzite
Synonyms: N/A
Material (geologic): Cretaceous (?) quartzite

Detail of fine-grained quartzite from Birnbach
Foto: Mattias Rummer, 2001

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General characteristics

Geographical setting: N/A
Material and colour: N/A
Other information: N/A.
Knapping notes: N/A.
Archaeological description: N/A

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Locality: Birnbach, Kelheim district, Bavaria, Germany.
Synonyms: Mining-site D 16 according to the catalogue of the museum in Bochum, 3rd edition (Weisgerber et al. (eds.) 1999).
Geographical description: WhereItIs
Geographical co-ordinates: Lat. 48° 51' 58" N
Long. 012° 01' 27" E
(Mapdatum WGS 84)

detail from sheet L7138 Langquaid

click here for a detailed topografical map (23 KBytes).
Co-ordinate precision: Precision
Other topographical information: HowToGetThere
Additional information: slightly surrealistic view of Birnbach
Foto: Rengert Elburg, 2000
Visitors information: PlacesToEatAndDrink
Sampling information: N/A
For a full-blown picture of this sample, click here (74 KBytes). Typical "clouded" quartzite from Birnbach
Foto: Mattias Rummer, 2001
Slightly banded material
Foto: Mattias Rummer, 2001
For a full-blown version of this picture, click here (62 KBytes).
Sample description: N/A
For a full-blown picture of this sample, click here (57 KBytes). Flake of white quartzite
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2001

Last modified on:
January 24, 2000
Contents primarily by:
Rengert Elburg
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