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Oligocene flint from Etrelles

Material name: Etrelles flint
Synonyms: Silex lacustre oligocène, Type 207
Material (geologic): Tertiary (Oligocene) lacustrine chert

Detail of Etrelles flint
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003

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General characteristics

(In part adapted from Cupillard & Richard 1991, Cupillard & Affolter 1995 and Affolter 2002

Geographical setting: N/A
Material and colour: N/A
  Small collection of cultural material
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Piece with different types of patination
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
  Length of largest artefact 50 mm.
Other information: N/A
Knapping notes: N/A
Archaeological description: N/A

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Locality: Etrelles-et-la-Montbleuse, Haute-Saône, France
Synonyms: Mining site F 56 according to the catalogue of the museum in Bochum, 3rd edition (Weisgerber et al. (eds.) 1999). FlintSource sample 253.
Geographical description: WhereItIs
Geographical co-ordinates: Lat. 47° 27' 57" N
Long. 005° 51' 46" E
(Mapdatum WGS 84)
Co-ordinate precision: The coordinates given here are at the eastern end of the wider area where we did our sampling. The original excavation at Blanc-Saule lies about 30 arc-seconds to the West of the coordinates given here. As usual the location was taken with a handheld GPS receiver and is accurate enough to get you within metres of where we were standing.
Other topographical information: HowToGetThere
Additional information: General view of the sampling area
Foto: Rengert Elburg, 2002
Visitors information: PlacesToEatAndDrink
Sampling information: N/A
  Flake of Etrelles flint
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Small flake of typical fine-grained chert from Etrelles
length: 35 mm
banded flint
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Piece banded oligocene silex
size: 68 mm
  Opaque silex
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Opaque flint with numerous ghosts of fossils
length: 66 mm
white flint
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Flake of white, nearly featureless chert
size: 44 mm
Sample description: N/A

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Locality: Mont-les-Etrelles, Haute-Saône, France
Synonyms: FlintSource sample 254. The whole area belongs to the mining complex designated F 56 in the catalogue of the museum in Bochum, 3rd edition (Weisgerber et al. (eds.) 1999), although strictly spoken this number only refers to the mining site Blanc-Saule at Etrelles-et-la-Montbleuse.

According to the coordinates given in Affolter 2002, this site is almost identical with Affolter's sampling spot O 59 Vantoux/Les Fournets.

Geographical description: WhereItIs
Geographical co-ordinates: Lat. 47° 27' 10" N
Long. 005° 50' 41" E
(Mapdatum WGS 84)
Co-ordinate precision: The coordinates refer roughly to the spot where the photo below was taken. The sample comes from an area of more than 100 metres across, mostly to the South of this point.
Other topographical information: HowToGetThere
Additional information: View from the sampling location towards Etrelles
Foto: Rengert Elburg, 2002.
Visitors information: PlacesToEatAndDrink
Sampling information: N/A
  chert with inclusions
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Flake of typical chert. Note dark inclusions, which are rests of plants (click thumbnail)
size: 40 mm
translucent chert
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Slightly patinated flake of very fine, translucent silex
size: 50 mm
  banded silex
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
'Plough patinated' piece of banded flint with frequent small fossils and patch of cortex
length: 44 mm
dark chert
Foto: Matthias Rummer, 2003
Flake of dark chert with schliers and patches of opalized material
size: 39 mm
Sample description: N/A


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Sometime, 2002
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